Treadmill Interval Training Workout


Last night I ran on the treadmill but couldn’t get myself to try the Jillian Michaels iFit card again. This time, I stuck with my HIIT training. I personally don’t like running…I think it’s boring…and sucks! High Intensity Inteveral Training is a way that keeps me less bored throughout my workout.  I’ve come up with my own Treadmill Interval Training Workout that I thought I’d share.

I would love to be able to create my own iFit card so I can make my own pre-set interval workouts that change my treadmill speed and incline. Does anyone know if this is possible? I read some reviews about people trying to find a way, but haven’t heard anything to convincing so far. I like HIIT training, but it’s a pain to watch the time and change the speed/incline every minute. Last night I did a workout similar to this:

Treadmill Interval Training Workout

  • 3 minute warmup: 4mph
  • 2 minutes: 8mph
  • 1 minute: 4mph
  • 2 minutes: 7mph
  • 1 minute: 4mph
  • 3 minutes: 6mph
  • 1 minute: 4mph
  • 1 minute: 4mph (3 incline)
  • 1 minute: 4mph (5 incline)
  • 1 minute: 4mph (.5 incline)
  • 1 minute: 7mph (.5 incline)
  • 1 minute: 4mph (.5 incline)
  • 1 minute: 8mph (.5 incline)
  • 1 minute: 4mph (.5 incline)
  • 2 minutes: 5.7mph (.5 incline)
  • 1 minute: 4mph (.5 incline)
  • 1 minute: 8mph (0 incline)
  • Cool Down: 3 minutes: 4mph (0 incline)

This workout listed isn’t completely accurate. I don’t remember exactly my speeds/inclines because I didn’t write it as I was going, but it’s similar to this. My total workout was 33 minutes and I burned 350 calories in 3 miles.

I’m down .4 pounds since yesterday morning. Down 7.2 lbs since the beginning of February. Not too bad!

Today’s snapshot. I felt like I ate a lot today but it doesn’t show with lots of working out tonight 🙂 My body is getting tired though…3 nights in a row.

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