My Isagenix Story

I originally heard about Isagenix in March of 2012.  I heard about the hype from a lot of my bikini competitor friends and being the type of person that I am, I immediately thought….”There’s no way this Isagenix stuff is really that much better than other stuff I can find at GNC”.   I was training for my first bikini competition at the time I heard about it.  I watched all my teammates have an easier time with prepping their meals, they all talked about how much more energy they had and how they were sleeping like a champ.

I on the other hand was training for my bikini show and was completely tired and worn out ALL the time.  I was coming home to nap before the gym every day in order to get through my workouts.  I spent several hours every Sunday prepping my meals for the week and because of my naps, I couldn’t sleep well at night.  I was a hot mess!

I ended up getting through my first competition but I would absolutely say it was the hardest thing I’ve done in my life.  It was the hardest yet most rewarding experience to know I faced a huge fear of mine and succeeded.

Now…fast forward until today.  I currently have a new personal trainer who has me on a STRICT diet and 2 hour workouts a day.  I’m working out harder now than I did for my show and my diet is more strict….however I’m less stressed and have more energy this time around.

Why?  Well…..the only thing I’ve changed in my life since the last time I trained like this (or almost as hard) was adding in Isagenix to my daily routine.  I take the Isagenix vitamins every day and also have the shakes.   I have found that the IsaLean shakes help keep me on track with my diet and helps me avoid the temptations of cheating on my diet.  also am NOT NAPPING ANYMORE!!!  I’ve been a napper my entire life!!!  I can sleep through the night and don’t have to take mid-day cat naps!

I’m currently 15 days away from my next fitness photo shoot and feel fantastic!  Even though my diet is cutting down and I’m doing extra cardio to lean out, I still feel great 🙂

Now I know if you’re reading this and you’re still skeptical about Isagenix, I understand because I was at one point too.  You just have to get it in your body and see for yourself.  I promise you WON’T be disappointed.  PLUS, there’s a 30 day money back guarantee through Isagenix if you don’t like what can you lose except for some weight and toxins? 😉

If you’re still skeptical….that’s okay!  You can keep researching for yourself and hopefully you’ll soon realize that the ingredient list and benefits are far more superior than any other product out there.

Now who’s ready to give it a try?  Contact me with any questions (at  or if you’d like to get started now, feel free to place your order here:

If you’ want to order directly from Isagenix, you can order here: (just click “enroll and save” and sign up as an associate WITH autoship turned on to get the best deals!)

I truly am a happier person now that I have Isagenix in my body.  I find myself wanting to talk about it with EVERYONE to share this “secret” I’ve found.  This isn’t a diet, this is honestly a lifestyle change for me for life.

– Erin

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