Fat Blaster Cardio Workout

It’s about time for a new workout for you to try!  This treadmill workout will torch a ton of calories and leave you burning calories for hours after you leave the gym!

Warmup for 2 minutes.  Do Cycle #1 5 times and then immediately start Cycle #2.  When it says “OFF”, that means you keep the speed at 10mph and then jump to the sides of the treadmill for a rest period during your sprints.  Be careful when jumping to the sides.  Make sure to hang on to the sides of the treadmill when you jump on and off the machine.

Feel free to adjust the speeds to your MAXIMUM speed.  10 is the fastest I could go for 30 seconds.  I could barely make it those last 5-10 seconds each time.  CHALLENGE YOURSELF!

**Calories and heart rate based on my own personal weight/fitness level.  Your calories burned may vary**

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