My Diet Mission

I am a 26 year old female who wants to lose some weight. Unlike many weight loss stories I find online, I couldn’t find many people who review their weight loss adventure when they are already in shape but just want to knock off a few pounds. It seems that when you have more weight on your body, the initial weight comes off more quickly. As for me, I’m 5’7 and about 137 pounds…which is techinically already a healthy weight, so it seems to be harder to shed pounds. I started my diet on Feb. 3rd weighing 141.4 pounds. That’s my highest weight in years. My goal is to be 125 for this summer!

Also, I’m the kind of girl that likes to enjoy her weekends. I typically eat healthy during the week and cheat on the weekends. You will most likely find me having several drinks at least once on the weekend! This has been my downfall in weight loss because beer sure holds a lot of empty calories that surely don’t help. HOWEVER, a girl still needs to have some fun!

I just bought a NordicTrack 2255 treadmill that is iFit card compatible. I have been using it for the past month and love having a treadmill in the house. So far this treadmill has been great, except the track has a tendency to hesitate a little when on the lowest speeds (1-2).

As I attempt to shed my winter weight, I’m going to blog along the way.


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