My Keto Diet Experiment – Day 3

Day 3 and I’m still going. I haven’t quit yet! If you’re new here, I’m blogging my way through a two week experiment called the 14 day keto diet experiment where I’m attempting the keto diet and sticking to 25 net carbs or less each day.

Day 3 Of My 14 Day Keto Diet Experiment

Day three was a little more difficult for me. I had a bit less motivation, wanted to cheat on the diet and felt a bit of the “keto flu” symptoms.

What I Ate


I woke up at 7:10am and had hard boiled eggs around 10am when I started to feel hungry. Since I don’t eat until about 10am every morning, I’m putting my body into somewhat of a fasted state. I’m not doing this on purpose necessarily, just listening to my body to tell me when it’s hungry. By not eating until about 10am and stopping eating around 7pm the night before, it gives me about a 15 hour fasting window with no food.

If you don’t know about this type of fasting, here’s a great post about intermittent fasting!


I’m really digging my homemade salads lately. It’s just so easy and perfect with my macros. My homemade salad consisted of the items below.

I think it’s the ranch that makes me so excited to eat it. It’s weird to shift your mindset to think ranch is now okay to eat!


For dinner I had garlic herb chicken sausage and snacked on some pumpkin seeds. Yeah super random, I know. The chicken sausage was pretty good and logged zero net carbs.


I snacked on Sunflower seeds after lunch again. I love the salty and crunchy aspect of seeds. With the keto diet, there really isn’t much crunchy foods and I’m a huge fan of getting a variety of food texture. On that note, I’m starting to really miss my baked lays at this point. I used to sometimes throw crunched up tortilla chips or baked lays into my salads to add a bit of crunch.

I also had a string cheese snack around 4pm to hold me over until dinner. Oh and I also had my all time favorite keto protein bar in the evening as dessert.

Also, I’m on day 3 with no diet coke!!! Whoahhhhh I can’t tell you the last time I have gone this long without diet coke.

Side Effects

I wanted to start another section for side effects I’m feeling. Yesterday I mentioned the “Keto Flu” and wanted to track my side effects to see if I’m experiencing any of the keto flu symptoms.

Today I feel a bit of brain fog and a little less motivation than the last few days. As I was sitting in a meeting today I realized that I wasn’t as sharp and engaged in the conversations as I typically am. I feel that I”m lacking a bit of concentration today.


I typically do a quick lunch workout but today, all I wanted to do was eat and be lazy. I decided to not overdo it and listen to my body. I ate my lunch and went back to work. Around 1:30 I felt a bit more energized and told myself to just go do 20 min of cardio. It was a struggle to get there but once I got there I was a maniac on the elliptical. I’m so glad I mustered up enough energy to get a quick workout in today. I knew I wouldn’t be working out tonight because it’s the Bears vs Packers opening day game and you know I’ll be parked on the couch for that! Go Bears!

Calories Burned during workout: 211

Macros / Nutrition

As mentioned above, my goal is to stick to 25 net calories or less each day. When I say “net carbs” that means grams of carbs minus grams of fiber = net carbs. My macros ended up looking like this at the end of the day. I’m not trying to hit any fat/fiber/protein goals, just strictly keeping an eye on my net carbs being under 25 at this point.

  • Net Carbs: 21g
  • Fiber: 22g
  • Fat: 74g
  • Protein: 106g

Overall I feel like I snacked a lot but was still able to stay under my net carb goal of 25g. I was a bit hungry throughout the day but nothing too crazy like other diets I’ve been on.

Ketone Levels

keto diet day 3 ketone levels - urine test

I tested my level of ketones this morning and after only 2 full days on keto there’s already a trace of being in a state of ketosis! The goal of the keto diet is to get into this state of ketosis where your body has changed it’s source of energy. It’s great to see that my body is already recognizing the changes!

To test this, I’m using strips called Ketone Script. You just dip a strip in your urine and after 40 seconds you can see your ketosis levels. So simple and the bottle comes with 150 strips!! This little bottle was less than $7 bucks and will last me forever.

My Current Measurements / Weight

Ewww the worst part has arrived. This is when I shamelessly tell you my weight and pretend like it never happened.

  • Starting Weight: 158.8 lbs
  • Today’s Weight: 156.4 lbs
  • Weight Lost on Keto Diet: 2.4 lbs in two days!

Whoah another 1.2 lbs lost yesterday!!! I knew the first few days would show my biggest weight loss but I didn’t expect it to come off that fast! I do understand though that this is mostly water weight coming off. When you start transitioning your body to lower carbs, your body naturally holds onto less water weight which is why most people see the most weight loss in the beginning of starting a keto diet.

Oh, and if you’re wondering about my height. I’m 5’7.

I probably won’t weigh myself every day because that’s just not healthy, but who knows, maybe I will. Only time will tell. That’s the fun part of blogging a live experiment, you never know what will happen.

I do have a minor unhealthy obsession with my scale though. It’s just so tempting to step on it and it doesn’t hurt that I have one of the coolest scales around.

Overall Thoughts

Overall my third day was a tiny bit harder since I lacked a bit of motivation, had brain fog and struggled a bit with concentration. I stayed on course with my diet though and even got a quick workout in! I think I’m doing super well but am very nervous about how I’ll be on the weekends. Usually I derail every weekend from my diets so I’m assuming it won’t be perfect, and you know what, that’s okay with me too!

I want to do this experiment as keto but not be one of those super annoying keto people who say you can’t have wine at night or a slip up here and there and still see results!

Bring on day 4 of my 14 day keto diet experiment!!!

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14 day keto diet experiment and results

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