
Exercise Glossary


Lie on your back on the floor, your hands behind your head, and your knees bent at a 90 degree angle and resting on a bench for support. Keeping the small of your back on the floor, simultaneously lift your head and shoulders and your hips up in a crunching motion. Repeat.

Cable Crunches

Grasp a rope handle attached to an overhead pulley and kneel down about two feet back from the cable. Keeping your hands near your head, bend forward at the waist and contract your abs, exhaling your breath as you contract. Slowly return to the starting position and repeat.

Toe Touch Crunches

Lie on your back on the floor, your hands behind your head, and your legs straight up in the air. Keeping your legs stationary, lift your torso up by trying to touch your toes. Repeat.

Twisting Crunches

Lie on your back on the floor, your hands behind your head, and your knees bent at a 90 degree angle and resting on a bench for support. Keeping the small of your back on the floor, simultaneously lift your head and shoulders and your hips up in a crunching motion, turning your torso to the left as you lift. Repeat, except this time turn your torso to the right. Keep alternating the crunches to the left and right.

Front Kicks

Lie on your side supporting your upper body on your elbow, your bottom leg bent at a 45 degree angle. Keeping your top leg straight, kick it to the front as far as it will go. Return to starting position and repeat.

Alternating Knee Raises

Lie back on the floor resting on your elbows with your hands under your hips for support, your legs bent. Holding your head up, alternately straighten one leg at a time being careful not to let your legs touch the floor.

Alternating Knee Raises Twisting

Lie on your back on the floor, your legs straight and your hands behind your head. Lift your legs off the floor slightly. Alternately bring one knee to your chest while simultaneously twisting your torso to touch your knee with the opposite elbow.

Leg Raises on Bench (straight leg)

Sit on the end of a flat bench and lie back with your hands under your hips, your legs extended straight out. Lift your legs up as high as possible and then slowly lower them till they are below the level of the bench. Repeat.

Hanging Leg Raises (straight leg)

Hang from a roman chair. Keeping your legs straight, lift them out in front of you as high as possible. Lower back down to starting position and repeat.

Hanging Leg Raises (Bent-Knee)

Hang from a roman chair. Keeping your legs bent , lift them out in front of you as high as possible. Lower back down to starting position and repeat.

Leg Tucks on Floor

Lie on your back on the floor , your legs straight and your hands behind your head. As you lift your legs, bend the knees and simultaneously lift your torso up as well. Try to touch your knees to your chin. Return to starting position and repeat.

Incline Leg Tucks

Lie on your back on an incline board , your legs straight and your hands behind your head. As you lift your legs, bend the knees and simultaneously lift your torso up as well. Try to touch your knees to your chin. Return to starting position and repeat. The higher you set the incline, the harder the exercise becomes.

Seated Leg Tucks

Sit on the edge of a flat bench, your hands grasping the edge of the bench for support. Lean your torso back while at the same time extending your legs keeping knees slightly bent. As you lift your legs, bend the knees and simultaneously lift your torso up as well. Try to touch your knees to your chin. Return to starting position and repeat.

Low Abdominal Machine

Lie on your back in a low abdominal machine and lock your feet onto the resistance lever. Bring your knees toward your chest, squeezing your abs hard. Slowly lower your knees to the starting point and repeat until your lower abs are fatigued.

Machine Crunches

Sit in the machine and grasp the handholds located above your shoulders. Crunch your body downward, trying to touch your forehead to your knees while a the same time pulling your knees up. Repeat.


With elbows and forearms on ground, get in a push up position. Keep body straight and core tight. Hold plank position.

Side Plank

Place forearm on mat under shoulder perpendicular to body. Place upper leg directly on top of lower leg and straighten knees and hips. Raise body upward by straightening waist so body is ridged. Hold position. Repeat with opposite side.

Reverse Crunches

Lie on your back on the floor, your arms on the floor at each side for stability, and your knees bent at a 90 degree angle and feet crossed in the air. Lift your hips up in a crunching motion towards your chest. Repeat.

Roman Chair Situps

Sit on the Roman chair with your feet locked into place. Slowly sit back until your upper torso is slightly above parallel to the floor. Lift your torso forward then lower downward, keeping the tension on the abs at all times.

Side Bends

Stand with your feet about shoulder width apart, your hands clasped behind your head. Bend your knees till you are in a half squat position. Bend to your side, attempting to touch your knee with your elbow. Come back up to center position and bend to other side.

Side Leg Raises (straight leg)

Lie on your side supporting your upper body on your elbow, your bottom leg bent at a 45 degree angle. Keeping your top leg straight, raise it to your side as far as it will go. Lower and repeat.


Lie on your back on the floor, legs bent at a 45 degree angle, feet flat on the floor. With your arms held straight to your sides, lift your body up as high as possible toward your knees. Lower back down to starting position and repeat.

Twisting Sit Ups

Lie on your back on an incline board with your head closest to the floor, your knees bent at a 45 degree angle, and your feet hooked under the supports. While lifting your torso up with your hands hooked behind your head, twist your body so your left elbow touches your right knee. Slowly lower back down to starting position and repeat movement using the opposite elbow.

Situps with knees in the air

Lie on your back on the floor, your hands behind your head. Bend your knees and raise your legs in the air so that your lower legs are parallel to the floor. Crunch your body up toward your knees as high as possible making sure to keep your lower back on the floor. Lower back down and repeat.

Situps on incline board

Lie on your back on an incline board with your head closest to the floor, your knees bent at a 45 degree angle, and your feet hooked under the supports. With your hands hooked behind your head, lift your torso up till your chin touches your knees then slowly lower back down to starting position but do not let your back rest on the bench. Repeat.

Twisting Situps with knees in air

Lie on your back on the floor, your hands behind your head. Bend your knees and raise your legs in the air so that your lower legs are parallel to the floor. Crunch your body up toward your knees, bring your elbow to the opposite knee. Lower back down and repeat using the opposite elbow.

Twists (seated)

Sit on the end of a bench with feet flat on the floor about shoulder width apart. Place a lightweight bar behind your neck. Keeping your hips stationary, twist your body as far as possible to your right. Return to the center and then repeat the movement on the left side.

Twists (standing)

While standing, place a lightweight bar behind your neck, your feet about shoulder width apart. Keeping your hips stationary, twist your body as far as possible to your right. Return to the center and then repeat the movement on the left side.

Twists (standing, bent over)

While standing, place a lightweight bar behind your neck, your feet about shoulder width apart. Bend forward at the waist till your torso is parallel to the floor. Keeping your hips stationary, twist your body as far as possible to your right. Return to the center and then repeat the movement on the left side.

Bench Kickbacks

Position yourself on the floor on your hands and knees. Keeping your back straight, kick one leg straight back and up as far as possible. Repeat as necessary and then switch to the opposite leg.

Bench Rows

Lie face down on a flat bench that is high enough off the ground to allow the weight to not touch the floor. Grasp a barbell placed under the bench with an overhand grip. Pull the weight up until the bar hits the bench at the level of your lower ribcage. Lower the weight until arms are fully extended and repeat.

Bent-Over Rows

Stand with feet a few inches apart. With knees slightly bent, bend over to grasp a barbell with a wide overhand grip. While staying bent at the waist so body is parallel to the floor, lift the bar to your upper abs and then slowly return to the floor. It is important to keep the movement controlled and the back straight.

Bent-Over Rows (Smith Machine)

Stand with feet a few inches apart. With knees slightly bent, bend over to grasp the bar attached to a Smith Machine with a wide overhand grip. While staying bent at the waist so body is parallel to the floor, lift the bar to your upper abs and then slowly return to the floor. It is important to keep the movement controlled and the back straight.

Chin Ups, Behind the Neck, Wide-Grip

Hang from an assisted chin up bar with an overhand grip keeping arms as far apart as possible. Pull yourself up so that the back of the neck touches the bar. Return to starting position and repeat.


Using a chin/dip machine, place your knees on the pad and grasp the chinning bar, allowing your body and the pad to slowly lower to the starting position. Pull yourself up as high as possible, pause, and slowly lower yourself into a full hanging position. Repeat. You can use various hand positions on the bar and different weight settings in order to perform higher or lower reps.


From a standing position, bend knees slightly and lean forward to grasp a barbell on the floor. Grasp it about shoulder width apart, one hand using an underhand grip and the other an overhand grip. Lift the bar to a standing position straightening the legs as you lift. Once fully upright stick chest out and throw shoulders back. Hold and then return to starting position. Remember to keep back straight throughout the exercise.

Deadlifts on Smith Machine

From a standing position, bend knees slightly and lean forward to grasp the bar attached to the Smith Machine set at the bottom position. Grasp it about shoulder width apart, one hand using an underhand grip and the other an overhand grip. Lift the bar to a standing position straightening the legs as you lift. Once fully upright stick chest out and throw shoulders back. Hold and then return to starting position. Remember to keep back straight throughout the exercise.

Sumo Deadlifts

From a standing position with your feet wider than shoulder width, bend knees slightly and lean forward to grasp a barbell on the floor. Grasp the bar with your hands spaced at shoulder width or narrower, one hand using an underhand grip and the other an overhand grip. Lift the bar to a standing position straightening the legs as you lift. Once fully upright stick chest out and throw shoulders back. Hold and then return to starting position. Remember to keep back straight throughout the exercise. Sumo deadlifts place less stress on your lower back than regular deadlifts.

Good Mornings

With a barbell resting behind your neck, stand with feet a few inches apart. Lean forward at the waist until body is parallel to the floor, keeping knees locked and back straight. Return to starting position.


Position yourself face down on a hyperextension bench. Bend at the waist toward the floor while keeping hands clasped behind the head. Lift your torso back up to beyond the starting position, being careful not to go too far past parallel.

One Arm Rows (dumbbell)

Holding a dumbbell in one hand, bend forward at the waist until body is parallel to the floor. With arm extended to the floor, pull the weight up to your side keeping the elbow in. Lower the weight slowly and repeat.

One Arm Rows (barbell)

Holding the end of a weighted barbell in one hand, bend forward at the waist until your body is parallel to the floor. With arm extended to the floor, pull the bar up to your side keeping the elbow in. Lower the bar slowly and repeat.

One Arm Rows (cable)

Grasp the handle of a floor pulley in one hand. Stand to the side of the machine and bend forward at the waist so that when the arm is fully extended, it hangs down across the body, almost touching the opposite foot. Pull the arm back, keeping elbow tight to the body while twisting your hand outward. Your fist should end up at your side. Slowly return to starting position.

Power Clean (barbell)

With a barbell on the floor in front of you, stand with feet about shoulder width apart. Bend down and grasp the bar with an overhand grip about shoulder width apart. Keeping back straight, pull the weight up as you straighten your legs. Once you are standing, whip your elbows under you so the barbell is lifted to your shoulders. You may have to bend your knees to aid in lifting the bar. Return the bar to the floor and repeat.


Grasp a long bar attached to an overhead pulley with a wide overhand grip. Pull your elbows down and to the rear while pulling the bar to your upper chest. Return to starting position.

Stiff Arm Pulldowns

Grasp a bar attached to an overhead pulley with a narrow overhand grip. Keeping arms straight and fully extended above your head, pull the weight down until the bar touches the top of your thighs. You may have to stand back about 2 feet from the pulley with knees slightly bent and torso leaning forward at about a 10 degree angle to the floor throughout this exercise.

Pullovers (barbell, bent-arm)

While lying on your back on a flat bench, grasp a barbell that has been placed on the floor behind your head. Keeping your arms bent lift the bar over your head stopping at the chest. Return to starting position.

Rear Leg Scissors

Lie on your stomach on the floor with your hands under your hips for support. Lift your legs off the floor as high as possible and alternately cross them over each other.

Rows (machine)

Sit in the machine and push back the weight pulling your elbows close to your torso.

Seated Cable Rows

Grasp the handles of a floor pulley and sit facing the machine with your feet braced and your knees slightly bent. Lean forward as far as possible feeling a stretch in the back (the weight stack should never touch bottom throughout this exercise). Pull the weight toward you by pinching the shoulder blades together while at the same time coming to a sitting position. At the top of the movement you should be upright with chest sticking out and the weight pulled into the abdomen. Slowly return to starting position.

T-Bar Rows

While standing on a block with feet close together, grasp the handle of the T-bar machine with an overhand grip. While holding onto the bar, bend forward at the waist until body is at a 45 degree angle to the floor. Pull the bar to your chest being sure not to change your body position. Lower the bar slowly and repeat.


With a dumbbell in each hand, stand with weights hanging at your sides.  Curl the weights up until the forearms are parallel to the floor and then lower to your sides.  Repeat 7 times.  Without stopping, curl all the way up but stop halfway down and repeat seven more times.  Finally, do several more full range dumbbell curls.

Alternate Dumbbell Curls

While standing, hold a dumbbell in each hand, arms hanging down at the sides, palms facing the body.  Curl one of the dumbbells toward your chin, keeping elbow in at side while twisting palm outward.  Lower the weight slowly while lifting the opposite dumbbell at the same time in the same manner.

Prone Barbell Curls

Lie face down on a flat bench with your head hanging off the end.  Grasp a barbell with a narrow underhand grip, arms fully extended.  Lift the weight in an arc toward your chin.  Hold for a few seconds and return to starting position.

Cable Curls

Grasp a handle attached to a floor pulley  using an underhand grip.  While standing, curl the handle to your chin being sure to keep elbows tight to your body.  Return to starting position.

Hammer Curls

While standing, hold a dumbbell in each hand, arms hanging down and palms facing body.  Curl the weight up toward the chin keeping hands in same position.  Return to starting position and repeat.

Preacher Curls

Sit in a preacher bench with chest resting against it and arms hanging over it.  Grip a barbell with an underhand grip.  With elbows acting as a pivot point, lift the weight toward your chin.  Return to starting position.

Reverse Preacher Bench Curls

Sit in a preacher bench and grasp a barbell with both hands using an overhand grip about shoulder width apart.

 Slide Curls

Grasp a dumbbell or barbell in each hand using an underhand grip about shoulder width apart.  While standing, hold the weight in front of you with arms full extended.  By pulling your elbows directly back, you can lift the weight to your lower chest and keep the weight in close contact with your torso.  Return to starting position and repeat.

Zottman Curls 

While standing, hold a dumbbell in each hand hanging down with palms facing body.  Curl one weight up to your chin while twisting the palm outward.  At the top of the movement, your palm should be facing you.  Return to the starting position but this time reverse your palm movement so that your palm is facing down.  Repeat with the other arm and continue alternating arms.

Close-Grip Chins

Hang from a assisted chin up bar with your palms facing you and your hands set close together.  Slowly pull yourself up, using only your biceps.  Squeeze your biceps hard at the top and slowly lower until your arms are straight.  Repeat.

Concentration Curls

While standing, grasp a barbell or dumbbells and learn forward at the waist, arms hanging down.  Curl the bar to your shoulder without moving the elbows or upper arms.  Slowly return to starting position and repeat.

Incline Dumbbell Curls

With a dumbbell in each hand, sit on an incline bench with arms hanging down at the sides.  Curl the weights up to shoulder level and then slowly return to starting position.

Reverse Curls

While standing, grasp a barbell or dumbbells with an overhand grip about shoulder width apart.  With weight hanging down in front of you, curl your wrists back and then bend your arms to curl the bar up to your chin.  Be sure to keep elbows tightly fixed at your sides.  Return to starting position.

Calf Raises (hack machine)

While facing the machine, rest your torso against the padded portion of the machine and grasp the handles on either side. Place only the balls of your feet against the platform. Raise up on your toes as far as possible and then lower your heels past your toes as far as possible. Repeat.

Calf Raises (leg press machine)

Position yourself in a leg press machine using only your toes to support the weight. Bend ankles to recline the weight toward you then push back up. Repeat.

One Leg Calf Raises

Stand with the ball of one of your feet on a standing calf raise machine, your heel hanging off, and shoulders under the pads. Keeping leg straight but knee not locked, lift up onto toes and then lower the foot beyond parallel as far as possible. Repeat.

Smith Machine Calf Raises

Stand under the bar attached to a Smith machine. With your legs straight, rise up as high as you can onto your toes. Slowly lower to the starting position. Repeat. You can also stand with your toes on a plate or small block of wood for a greater stretch and range of motion.

Jumping Squat

While standing, position a barbell across your shoulders behind your neck. Keeping your head up and your shoulders back, bend your knees to lower the weight as if you were sitting in a chair till your thighs are below parallel. Be sure to keep center of gravity directly over your feet while not allowing the knees to go beyond your toes. Quickly push the weight back up, actually jumping off the floor at the top of the exercise.

Rotary Calf Machine

Sit at a rotary calf machine so that your legs are almost straight. Push the resistance pad with your toes until your calves are fully extended. Slowly return to the starting position and repeat.

Seated Calf Raises

Sit in a seated calf machine with knees under the pads and toes on the platform. Push the weight up as far a possible by bending the ankles and then lower the weight as far as possible. Repeat.

Tibialis Raises

Sit on the end of a flat bench, feet close together and flat on the floor. Rest a barbell plate on the tips of your toes. Raise the plate up by lifting your toes upward as far as possible. Return to starting position and repeat.

Pullovers (bent-arm)

Lie on your back on a flat bench with your head hanging off the end. Your feet should be flat on the floor. Grasp a barbell with a narrow overhand grip and rest it on your chest. Slowly lower the barbell back past your face and down behind your head as far as possible. Your arms should be bent slightly. Reverse the movement to return to the starting position.

Decline Pullovers (bent-arm)

Lie on your back on a decline bench with your head hanging off the end. Grasp a barbell with a narrow overhand grip and rest it on your chest. Slowly lower the barbell back past your face and down behind your head as far as possible. Your arms should be bent slightly. Reverse the movement to return to the starting position.

Cable Crossovers

Grasp the handles of two floor pulleys and stand midway between the two pulleys, your feet about shoulder width apart. Bend forward till your torso is at a 45 degree angle to the floor. Starting with your arms extended to your sides, palms facing the floor, bring your hands together by pulling the weight forward and downward till your hands touch. Return to starting position and repeat.

Cable Flyes (decline)

Lie on a decline bench between two floor-level pulleys. Grasp a handle in each hand and hold your arms straight above you, with your elbows slightly bent. Lower the handles in an arc out to the side, until your pectorals are fully stretched. Bring the handles back together following the same arc you used when lowering the handles.

Cable Flyes (incline)

Lie on an incline bench between two floor-level pulleys. Grasp a handle in each hand and hold your arms straight above you, with your elbows slightly bent. Lower the handles in an arc out to the side, until your pectorals are fully stretched. Bring the handles back together following the same arc you used when lowering the handles.

Decline Barbell Press

Lie on a decline bench. Lift the bar off the rack, and lower the bar slowly until it just touches your chest below the pectoral muscles. Keeping the elbows pointed outward, press the bar upward until your arms are locked out.

Dumbbell Flyes

Lie on a bench with a dumbbell held in each hand held at arm’s length above you. Your palms should be facing each other. Lower the weights out and down in a wide arc, until your pectorals are fully stretched. Your arms should bend slightly as you lower the weights. Lift the weights back up along the same arc that you lowered them.

Flat Bench Cable Flyes

Lie on a flat bench between two floor-level pulleys. Grasp a handle in each hand and hold your arms straight above you, with your elbows slightly bent. Lower the handles in an arc out to the side, until your pectorals are fully stretched. Bring the handles back together following the same arc you used when lowering the handles.

Flat Bench Press

Lie on a flat bench. Lift the bar off the rack, and lower the bar slowly until it just touches your chest below the pectoral muscles. Keeping the elbows pointed outward, press the bar upward until your arms are locked out. Can also be done with dumbbells.

Incline Presses

Lie back on an incline bench. Lift the bar off the rack, and lower the bar down to your upper chest. Press the bar upward until your arms are locked out.

Machine Chest Flyes

Sit in the machine with arms bent at 90 degree angle out to your side making sure elbows are at shoulder height. Grasp the handles of the machine and try to touch your elbows together. Return to starting position.

Machine Chest Press

Lying on a bench underneath the pressing machine, slowly lower the weight to your chest. Press the weight back to the starting position.

Standing Cable Flyes

Hold the handle of a cable attached to an overhead pulley in each hand. Take a step forward from the line of the pulleys. Extend your arms straight out to each side. Bend forward slightly at the waist. Bring your hands forward in a wide arc, with your elbows slightly bent, until your hands cross each other in front of your body. Slowly return the handles to the starting position.

Pullovers (straight arm)

Lie on a flat bench and hold a barbell overhead with your hands spaced about 8 inches apart. Lower the barbell in an arc above the head while keeping arms straight. Continue lowering until the bar is parallel with the floor. Reverse the movement to return to the starting position. Can also be done with dumbbells.

Arnold Press

Raise two dumbbells to shoulder level, palms facing you. Press the weights overhead, and at the same time, rotate your palms forward. Lower the weights while rotating your palms toward you.

Bent Over Cable Laterals

Take the handle of floor-level pulleys in each hand, with your arms crossed in front of your body. Your left hand will hold the right-side cable and vice versa. Keep your back straight and bend over until you are parallel with the floor. Pull the handles across your body and extend your arms out to the sides. Slowly lower to the starting position.

Bent Over Seated Dumbbell Laterals

Sit on the end of a bench and hold a dumbbell in each hand. With knees together, bend forward at the waist and bring the dumbbells behind your calves, palms facing each other. Lift the weights straight out to the side, until they are higher than your head. Don’t lift your body as you lift the weights. Slowly lower the weights to the starting position.

Bent Over Standing Dumbbell Laterals

With a dumbbell in each hand, bend forward at the waist and let the dumbbells hang straight down, palms facing each other. Without moving your body, lift the weights straight out to the sides until they are parallel with the floor. Slowly lower to the starting position.

Clean and Press

With a barbell on the floor in front of you, squat down and grasp the bar with an overhand grip about shoulder width apart. Using your legs, lift the bar to shoulder level resting the bar on your upper chest. Push the weight straight up until elbows are locked. Return bar to the starting position remembering to bend the knees.

Seated Dumbbell Press

Hold two dumbbells to your sides at shoulder height with palms facing forward. Fully extend the weights overhead without locking out the elbows. Lower to starting position. Can also do standing.

Seated Dumbbell Press (one-arm)

Hold two dumbbells to your sides at shoulder height with palms facing forward. Press one of the dumbbells overhead without locking out the elbows. Lower to starting position and repeat with the other dumbbell. Can also do standing.

Front Raises (standing)

Hold a barbell or dumbbells with an overhand grip against the front of your thighs. Lift the weight out and up in front of you, until it is higher than the top of your head. Slowly lower the weight and repeat.

Front Raises (seated)

Sit on a bench and hold a barbell or dumbbells with an overhand grip on the top of your thighs. Lift the weight out and up in front of your, until it is higher than the top of your head. Slowly lower the weight and repeat.

Front Raises (bent over)

Grasp a barbell with an overhand grip about shoulder width apart and bend forward at the waist till your torso is parallel to the floor. Allow your arms to hang straight down. Keeping your arms and legs straight, lift the barbell up to eye level. Return slowly to starting position and repeat.

Heavy Upright Rows

While standing, hold a barbell with an overhand grip set 12 inches apart. Lift the bar straight up, keeping it close to your body, until the bar is just below your chin. You can cheat by using your legs on this exercise. Slowly lower to the starting position.

Incline Front Raises

Grasp a barbell with an overhand grip about shoulder width apart and sit face down on an incline bench. Allow your arms to hang straight down. Keeping your arms straight, lift the barbell up to eye level. Return slowly to starting position and repeat.

Lying Side Laterals

Lie on your side with a dumbbell in your hand. Lower the dumbbell down in front of your body and then raise it over your head. Slowly lower to the starting position. Turn to the other side and repeat with the other arm.

Machine Presses

Begin the movement at shoulder level. With a shoulder’s width grasp, push the bar straight overhead until elbows are locked. Return to the starting position.

Military Press

While seated, remove a barbell from the rack and rest it on your upper chest at shoulder level. Fully extend the bar overhead until elbows are locked out. Lower to the starting position. Can also do standing.

Military Press with Smith Machine

Grasp the bar attached to the Smith Machine at shoulder width and rest it on your upper chest at shoulder level. Fully extend the bar overhead until elbows are locked out. Lower to the starting position. Can also do this exercise seated.

One Arm Cross Cable Laterals

Begin with arms hanging down at sides. Grasp floor pulley with one hand using an overhand grip. Extend arm across body. Keeping elbow slightly bent, swing arm to your side with palm facing the floor ending at shoulder level.

One Arm Side Cable Laterals

Stand with your arms hanging at your sides. Grasp a floor pulley in one hand with an overhand grip. With a straight arm, lift out to the side until hand is higher than your head. Return to starting position.

Palms-Up Side Laterals

While standing, grasp a dumbbell in each hand and hold at arms length at your sides. Rotate your wrists outward so palms are facing up and bend arms slightly. Now raise both arms simultaneously up and outward stopping at shoulder height. Lower slowly and repeat.

Behind The Neck Barbell Press

While in a seated position, lift the barbell and place behind the neck. Press the weight overhead and down again keeping elbows back and always ending with the barbell behind the neck.

Behind The Neck Smith Machine Press

While seated at the Smith Machine, unhook the bar and lower it behind the neck. Press the bar overhead and down again keeping elbows back and always ending with the bar behind the neck.

Prone Laterals

Grasp a dumbbell in each hand and sit face down in an incline bench. Your arms should be hanging straight down with palms facing each other. With arms slightly bent, lift them up and to your sides as far as possible. Slowly return to starting position and repeat.

Push Press

While standing with barbell at shoulder level (resting on upper chest) bend knees and push straight up with your legs and arms simultaneously. Lock out elbows at the top of the movement. Return to starting position.

Reverse Overhead Dumbbell Laterals

With a dumbbell in each hand, extend your arms straight out to the sides, palms facing up. Lift your arms up and bring them together over your head. Slowly lower to the starting position. Your arms should be slightly bent throughout the movement.

Back Kick (cable)

Stand facing a weight stack with a floor pulley attached. Attach the floor pulley strap to one of your ankles and stand on a block of wood at least 3 inches tall. While keeping your legs straight, lift the strapped ankle up and back as far as possible. Return to starting position and repeat. Repeat on opposite leg.

Lying Leg Curls

Lie face down on a bench with a leg extension/leg curl attachment and hook legs under the padded bar. Curl your legs up by bending the knees as far as possible without lifting your upper body or your hips off of the bench. Slowly return to starting position and repeat.

Seated Leg Curls

Sit in a seated leg curl machine and rest your heels on the padded bar. Curl your legs back by bending the knees as far as possible without lifting your upper body or your hips off of the seat. Slowly return to starting position and repeat.

Standing Leg Curls

Position yourself in a standing leg curl machine. Hook leg under the padded bar. Curl your leg up by bending the knee as far as possible . Slowly return to starting position and repeat.

Romanian Deadlifts

Stand with your feet set at about shoulder width and grab a barbell set just below knee level. Using your hips, lift the bar by driving your hips back and chest up, while keeping your shins vertical and your back straight. At the top, drive your hips and glutes forward. Lower the barbell to just below knee level by pushing your hips back. This movement is best performed in a power rack or on a Smith machine.

Straight Leg Deadlifts

From a standing position, grasp a barbell on the floor about shoulder width apart, using an overhand grip. Lift the bar to a standing position straightening the legs as you lift. Keeping knees locked, bend forward at the waist keeping your back straight until body is parallel to the floor. Arms should be holding the weight straight down in front of you. Return to starting position and repeat.

One Legged Deadlifts

From a one legged standing position, grasp a barbell on the floor about shoulder width apart, using an overhand grip. Lift the bar to a standing position straightening and balancing on the leg as you lift. Keeping knee locked, bend forward at the waist keeping your back straight until body is parallel to the floor. Arms should be holding the weight straight down in front of you. Return to starting position and repeat.

Abduction/Adduction Machine

Position yourself in the abduction/adduction machine and choose which exercise you wish to perform by moving the lever. Force your legs together (adduction) or apart (abduction). Repeat as necessary.

Cable Abductions

Stand with your left side facing a weight stack with a floor pulley attached. Attach the floor pulley strap to your right ankle. While keeping your legs straight, lift the strapped ankle up and to the side as far as possible. Return to starting position and repeat. Repeat on opposite leg.

Front Kick (cable)

Stand with your back facing a weight stack with a floor pulley attached. Attach the floor pulley strap to one of your ankles. While keeping your legs straight, lift the strapped ankle up and forward as far as possible. Return to starting position and repeat. Repeat on opposite leg.

Front Squats

While standing, position a barbell across your upper chest. Bring your arms up under the bar, cross them and grasp the bar with both hands to steady it. Keeping your head up and your back straight, bend your knees to lower the weight as if you were sitting in a chair till your thighs are past parallel. Be sure to keep center of gravity directly over your feet while not allowing the knees to go beyond your toes. Push the weight back up using your thighs. Keep the weight resting on your heels rather than your toes throughout this exercise.

Hack Squats

Position yourself in a hack squat machine, feet together with toes pointed slightly outward. Bend your knees and lower yourself all the way down. Press the weight back up to starting position.

Hack Squats (barbell)

While standing, grasp a barbell behind your back using an overhand grip. Keeping the barbell pressed against your buttocks and your torso erect, bend your knees to lower the weight as if you were sitting in a chair as far as possible. Be sure to keep center of gravity directly over your feet while not allowing the knees to go beyond your toes. Push the weight back up using your thighs. Keep the weight resting on your heels rather than your toes throughout this exercise.

Half Squats

While standing, position a barbell across your shoulders behind your neck. Keeping your head up and your shoulders back, bend your knees to lower the weight as if you were sitting in a chair till your thighs are parallel to the floor. Be sure to keep center of gravity directly over your feet while not allowing the knees to go beyond your toes. Push the weight back up using your thighs. Keep the weight resting on your heels rather than your toes throughout this exercise.

Leg Extensions

Sit in a leg extension machine and hook your feet under the bar. Fully straighten your legs simultaneously without allowing your rear end to come off the bench. Lock your knees at the top of the movement, hold for a moment, and then slowly lower to starting position.

Leg Presses

Position yourself in a leg press machine, feet close together. Bend your knees and lower the weight as far as possible keeping feet flat against the platform. Push back up to starting position.


Stand with your feet together, holding a barbell behind your neck. Keeping your back straight and head up, take a large step forward so that your leading leg is bent at a 90 degree angle to the floor. The back leg should be almost straight at this point. Be sure that the knee of the leading leg never goes beyond the toe. Push yourself back up to the starting position using your heel of the leading leg. Repeat the movement with the opposite leg. Can also be done with dumbbells.

Smith Machine Lunges

Stand with your feet together, holding a the bar of the Smith Machine behind your neck. Keeping your back straight and head up, take a step forward so that your leading leg is bent at a 90 degree angle to the floor. The back leg should be almost straight at this point. Be sure that the knee of the leading leg never goes beyond the toe. Push yourself back up to the starting position.

Reverse Lunges

Stand with your feet together, holding a barbell behind your neck. Keeping your back straight and head up, take a step back so that your stationary leg is bent at a 90 degree angle to the floor. Push yourself back up to the starting position and repeat with either the same leg or the other leg, as desired. Can also be done with dumbbells)

Reverse Smith Machine Lunges

Stand with your feet together, holding a the bar of the Smith Machine behind your neck. Keeping your back straight and head up, take a step back so that your stationary leg is bent at a 90 degree angle to the floor. Push yourself back up to the starting position and repeat with either the same leg or the other leg, as desired.

Squats (barbell)

While standing, position a barbell across your shoulders behind your neck. Keeping your head up and your shoulders back, bend your knees to lower the weight as if you were sitting in a chair till your thighs are below parallel. Be sure to keep center of gravity directly over your feet while not allowing the knees to go beyond your toes. Push the weight back up using your thighs. Keep the weight resting on your heels rather than your toes throughout this exercise.

Squats (dumbbells)

Stand with your feet together, holding a dumbbell in each hand at your sides. Keeping your back straight and head up, take a step back so that your stationary leg is bent at a 90 degree angle to the floor. Push yourself back up to the starting position and repeat with either the same leg or the other leg, as desired.

Squats (smith machine)

Stand with your feet together, holding a the bar of the Smith Machine behind your neck. Keeping your back straight and head up, take a step back so that your stationary leg is bent at a 90 degree angle to the floor. Push yourself back up to the starting position and repeat with either the same leg or the other leg, as desired.


Position yourself between the dipping bars of a chin/dip machine, holding yourself up with both hands to the sides of your body, elbows locked out. Your knees should be on the machine’s movement pad. Keeping your body upright, lower yourself by bending the elbows as far as possible. Push back up the starting position. You can adjust the weight on this machine in order to make yourself lighter so that you can perform more reps.

Cable Tricep Extension

Grasp a short bar attached to an overhead pulley with a narrow overhand grip. Stand facing away from the weight stack, your arms straight up overhead, your legs in a lunging position and your torso leaning forward at a 45 degree angle. Keeping your upper arms motionless and tightly in at your head, bend your elbows and lower the weight behind your head. Return to starting position and repeat.

One Arm Tricep Extension

While seated hold a dumbbell in one hand straight up overhead with elbow locked. Keeping elbow stationary, lower the weight behind your head toward your opposite ear. Slowly return to starting position.

Two Arm Tricep Extension

While seated hold a dumbbell vertically with both hands straight up overhead with elbows locked. Keeping elbows stationary, lower the weight behind your head.. Slowly return to starting position.


Lay your back on a flat bench with your feet flat on the bench and your head near the end of the bench. Grasp a barbell with a narrow overhand grip and extend arms overhead, elbows even with your ears. Keeping elbows stationary, lower the weight behind your head as far as possible. Return to starting position.

Lying Dumbbell Extensions

Lie on your back on a flat bench, feet on the bench and your head even with the end of the bench. Hold a dumbbell in each hand straight up with your palms facing each other. Lower the weights simultaneously to either side of your head while keeping your elbows stationary. Return to starting position locking your elbows at the top.

French Press

While seated, grasp a barbell with a narrow overhand grip and hold it straight up overhead. With elbows stationary, lower the weight behind the head as far as you are able. Raise the bar to starting position being sure to lock the elbows at the top. Repeat. Can do seated or standing.

Kickbacks (cable, one-arm)

Grasp the handle of a floor pulley with one hand using an underhand grip. Facing the machine, bend forward at the waist till upper body is parallel to the floor. With arm held tightly to your side, bend arm at a 90 degree angle so hand is pointing toward the floor. Straighten arm so that hand is even with your hip, palm is facing up. Slowly return to starting position and repeat.

Dumbbell Kickbacks

Stand with a dumbbell in one hand palm facing hip. Bend forward at the waist till body is about parallel with floor. Lean free hand on a low bench. Bend arm with dumbbell at a 90 degree angle and hold upper arm close to the body, elbow even with your shoulder. Press the weight back behind you till your arm is straight, elbow locked. Slowly return to starting position.

Prone Dumbbell Kickbacks

Grasp a dumbbell in each hand and lie face down in an incline bench. Bend arms at a 90 degree angle and hold upper arm close to the body, elbows even with your shoulders. Press the weight back behind you till your arms are straight, elbows locked. Slowly return to starting position.

Tricep Pushdowns

Grasp an angled bar attached to an overhead pulley with a narrow overhand grip. Push the bar straight down in front of you and lean your upper body forward a bit. Bend your elbows out to the side as the bar comes up and then push it back down in the same manner.

Bar pushdowns

While standing, grasp a bar attached to an overhead pulley with an overhand grip about ten inches apart. Keeping elbows tightly tucked in at sides, push the bar down until elbows are locked. Release and let the bar come up as far as possible without moving the elbows. Repeat the movement making sure not to lean forward.

One Arm Cable Pushdowns

While standing, grasp a handle attached to an overhead pulley with an overhand grip about ten inches apart. Keeping your elbow tightly tucked in at your side, push the handle down until your elbow is locked. Release and let the handle come up as far as possible without moving the elbow. Repeat the movement making sure not to lean forward.

One Arm Reverse Cable Pushdowns

While standing, grasp an overhead pulley with one arm using an underhand grip. Keeping your elbow tightly tucked in at side, pull the weight down until elbow is locked. Release and let bar come up slowly till forearm touches the bicep .

Reverse Grip Bench Press

Lie on a flat bench. Grasp a barbell with and underhand grip about shoulder width apart. Lift the bar off the rack and lower the bar slowly until it just touches your chest below the pectoral muscles. Keeping the elbows pointed outward, press the bar upward until your arms are locked out.

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