

1. Speed Squats (4×20) – Squat down and back up and quickly repeat.  Keep back straight.  Butt out.
2. Walking Lunges with Dumbells (4×30)
3. Accordion Bench Crunches (4×15) – Barely sitting on the edge of the bench, bring knees up to chest.  Straighten out legs and lower back towards bench (but don’t lay down!), bring knees back up to chest.

1. 1 Legged Glute Bridge (3×20) –  Lay on ground with feet on bench, knees bent.  Raise butt off the ground with shoulders still on ground.  Raise one leg off bench but keep it in line and close to other leg.  Lower butt off the ground and back up for 20 reps.
2. Plie Squats with Dumbells (3×12) – Feet a little wider than shoulder width, toes pointing out.  Hold dumbells in hand and squat down low enough for them to touch the ground.  Keep back straight!
3. Oblique Crunches (3×20) – Lay on ground with both knees collapsed to one side.  If knees are to the right, put right arm straight out to the side.  Left arm behind head.  Do crunches, raising your left arm up and towards your right side.  Repeat for 20 reps on each side.

1.Jump Lunges (3×24)
2. Side Plank with Leg Raise (3x15es) – 15 each side

Do 20-25 minutes on stairmaster (steady state pace).  If you don’t have access to a stairmaster, go somewhere with a big flight of stairs (office building, hotel stairs, or heck, you can even use the stairs in your own house!)

*Superset: (Do one set of first exercise, then one set of second exercise. Rest for 1-2min.  Repeat superset for required amount of sets)
*Tripleset : (Do one set of first exercise, then one set of second exercise followed by one set of third exercise. Rest for 1-2min.  Repeat tripleset for required amount of sets)

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