
Day 1 – Back/Biceps

1. Twenty Ones (4 sets) – With a weight in hand, do 7 full bicep curls followed by 7 bottom half curls followed by 7 top half curls.  The bottom half curls will be a curl from the bottom position to only 90 degrees up.  The top half curls will be from 90 degrees up towards chin.
2. Bent over dumbbell row until failure (4 sets)
3.  Alternating Dumbbell Bicep Curls (4×15) – Lift a heavy enough weight so that you can barely finish your last few reps.

1. Push Up with 1 Arm Dumbbell Row (4×10) – With two dumbbells in your hands, get into a push up position so your dumbbells touch the ground instead of your hands.  Do a push up.  When you get to the top of your pushup, row your arm back so you’re balancing on only one arm while the other rows up underneath your armpit/chest.  Row your other arm, then do another push up.  You’ll do a total of 10 pushups and 10 rows per arm.
2. Dumbbell hammer curls (4×12) – Palms will face each other during curls.

Do 30 min of steady state cardio today (any type you choose).


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