Touring The USS Yorktown & A Recipe for 10,000 Chocolate Chip Cookies!

As a newbie to Charleston, SC there is SO much to explore.  I absolutely love exploring our new city.  Everywhere you look, there’s something new to see.

Yesterday we checked out the USS Yorktown which has been on my to do list since we moved to Charleston.

Anyone who visits Charleston will see a huge ship docked at Patriot’s Point.  You can’t miss it.  If you’ve visited, you know what I’m talking about.

Here she is…

USS Yorktown

(Photo Source)

If you don’t know what the USS Yorktown is, it’s a U.S. Navy ship that was built during World War II for the United States Navy.  It’s a massive ship that is now a historical museum.

Well…It’s pretty DAMN cool.

The top of the ship is an aircraft carrier with a dozen jets and helicopters.  Each of them have their own story and history.

USS Yorktown

I felt like I was in Top Gun 🙂

And of course acted like a little kid playing with everything…

USS Yorktown

Playing around in the pilot’s meeting room.

USS Yorktown

And on some big damn guns.

We also got to tour a destroyer and a submarine.

USS Yorktown

The hallways and doors were SO tiny.  I can’t imagine working on one of those ships for months at a time.

On that note, I want to take the time to also thank everyone in the military who has served our country!!!

Here’s a great view of all three ships that we got to tour.

USS Yorktown

So cool, right?!?!

USS Yorktown


On another note…

Can you imagine working in the cafeteria or the bakery on a battleship and having to prepare food for 3,500 people every day?  I couldn’t wrap my head around it and then I saw this sign…

recipe for 10,000 chocolate chip cookies

How amazing is this!!!

It is their bakery’s recipe for 10,000 chocolate chip cookies!


  • 112 pounds of chocolate chips
  • 165 pounds of flour
  • 500 eggs
  • 100 pounds of granulated sugar
  • 87 pounds of shortening
  • 75 pounds of brown sugar
  • 12 pounds of butter
  • 3 pounds of salt
  • 3 cups of vanilla extract
  • 1 quart of water
  • 1.5 pounds of baking soda

So unbelievable, isn’t it???

If you think this is as amazing as I do, make sure to hover over the image below to share on social media!

Recipe For 10,000 Cookies

And I thought my weekly meal prep was a lot of food 🙂

Fitness Blog


3 thoughts on “Touring The USS Yorktown & A Recipe for 10,000 Chocolate Chip Cookies!”

  1. That’s insane! I love going to old military vessel museums. We’ve got an aviation museum just west of Omaha, which I’ve never been to, but my cousin has, and loved it.

    And I now REALLY want chocolate chip cookies! 😉


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