Food Prep Tips

I just finished up some food prep for the week and after posting this picture on Facebook, I’ve been getting a lot of questions about it so I figured I’d make a quick post.

Food Prep Tips!  Prep all your food on Sundays and prepare yourself for a successful week.

This entire food-prep took me only 45 minutes.  Read below to learn about some of my time saving food prep tips.  I’ve done this so many times now that I’ve got it down to a science!

In the picture from left to right:

  • Eggs
  • Chicken
  • Tuna
  • Spinach
  • Broccoli
  • Green Beans
  • Blueberries
  • Bananas
  • Brown Rice

Food I will eat that is not pictured: Protein Shakes, oats, natural PB, rice cakes & Quest Bars.


I love that ALL of this food only took 45 minutes to prep.  I remember when I first started doing food prep it would take me hours in the kitchen.  Not anymore!










Here are some tips for food prep that I’ve found to work well.

  1. Buy the chicken that is prepackaged and already trimmed.  That saves a TON of time.
  2. I’d highly suggest buying a cheap Eggsact Egg Timer for your eggs.  I love mine and it makes a perfect hard boiled egg every time.
  3. I buy bags of Steamfresh veggies.  They are SUPER easy to make.  Just cook them, bag them and then reheat when you’re ready to eat them during the week.
  4. For work, I always keep my oats, peanut butter, rice cakes and a canister of protein.  This helps to reduce the amount of food I have to carry around to and from work every day.

A typical day for me could look like this:

  1. Oats, natural peanut butter, blueberries & eggs
  2. Chicken, rice, veggies
  3. Quest Bar and an apple
  4. Rice cakes, pb & a protein shake
  5. Tuna, spinach, egg
  6. Greek Yogurt before bed

I hope this is helpful for some of you.  If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them in the comments section below!

Erin Signature

1 thought on “Food Prep Tips”

  1. So I’ve been done with the 30day for over 2weeks now. I’ve been doing shakes still bescuae its easy and I love it. I haven’t measured again but last I measured over 30 inches lost and now I’m down 20lbs!!! My Husband also did the 30 day and looks and feels GREAT!! THANX Kelly JO!!!


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