Why Is The Fitness World Becoming So Sexy?

This has been something I’ve been pretty annoyed with lately and I thought I’d share my thoughts.

Since being in the fitness world for a couple years, I feel like I’ve seen it change right before my eyes.  Why the heck is the fitness industry turning into soft core porn?


My Instagram feed has been flooded by girls who are nearly naked each and EVERY day.  Yes I choose to follow primarily fitness people on Instagram for motivation, but it’s changed a lot lately.

Just because you put the words “HARD WORK”  or something to the side of your image, it can still be insanely sexual and promoting an image of yourself that maybe you don’t want to be portrayed as….or who knows…maybe they do want to be seen that way?

Why can’t we be more pure?  Why can’t we focus more on the big picture of promoting health and fitness instead of sex appeal? 

I created this website to help others learn about how to improve their health and nutrition through my own experiences, not to show my ass every week.  Yes, I’ve posted some bikini pictures and progress pictures but that is to simply hold myself accountable once in a while.   Both of my parents follow my blog and I don’t post anything that I wouldn’t want them to see!  Why can’t more fitness girls be like that?

I DO often wonder what their parents think when they see these extra provocative shots flooding their social media sites on a daily basis.  Maybe their parents don’t know about it or just don’t care?

I remember hearing Jamie Eason talk about how she regretted some of her sexual fitness pictures she had taken in the beginning of her career.  She became a sex icon for men who looked at her as a fantasy and she absolutely hated it and regretted every second of it.  Her husband even lost a job opportunity due to her past pictures!  She spoke out about this and changed her ways.  I LOVE JAMIE …I’m sure you already knew that though!

Check out this up close and personal video of Jamie while she dealt with her struggles.  This was posted on her Facebook Page.

I know many of you will say “they work hard for their bodies, let them show them”, and I COMPLETELY agree with this but I think you can do it in a more PG manner!

Ladies, I’m only talking about this today because it’s been something I’ve been thinking about a lot lately.  You need to think about every image you post to social media as these pictures will be seen by the world and could be out there forever.  When you put yourself out there, be careful.  You can be a well respected girl in the fitness industry by being CLASSY and more reserved!

I’d rather not have to show my ass every day just to be sponsored by some kind of supplement company and get paid a couple bucks here and there.  I’d rather continue what I’m doing and get smaller partnerships with big companies like Finish Line, Puma, Under Armour, Marika Fitness and AthletaBigger brands are looking for PURE and dedicated people to represent their brands!

Don’t get me wrong, there are many fitness bloggers out there who show off their hard earned muscle and achievements, but still keep it classy and REAL.

What do you think about this topic?  I’d love to hear what you think!!!


4 thoughts on “Why Is The Fitness World Becoming So Sexy?”

  1. I could not agree more. It’s really troubling that fitness is becoming synonymous with sexual photos. I fear it is turning people off from fitness in general. There are ways to be classy and show off your hard-earned abs 🙂

  2. I totally agree. There is a fine line being motivation and just posting half naked pictures consistently. I think what happens over time is a girl may innocently be posting a picture once and a while as motivation but after awhile likes the attention she gets from it. I dont know if its poor self esteem or just the need to be loved and shown attention but I can see both sides of the coin. As a male I would love it if I got the same kind of reaction when I posted photos, but I see its also not necessary. Girls need to realize that they are beautiful just as they are and dont need to ALWAYS post half naked pictures of themself,. I know some don’t have the intentions of looking bad when they do it but so many people get the wrong idea when they see those type of photos so girls should be smarter about it. Nice little rant today! 🙂


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