Clutch Cut Day 4

Day 4

Today was day 4 of Ashley Conrad’s 21 day Clutch Cut program on


It was my second full body lift day of the program.  I was still a little sore from Friday’s lift but nothing too bad.  I was ready to rock and roll as soon as the clock hit 4pm.  I rushed out of work and it was finally GYM THIRTY!!!


On the schedule today was the same workout as Day 1 which made me happy  because I was more comfortable doing it the second time and I made sure to really concentrate on form with slow, controlled movements on my lifts.

Before I could get to the weight training circuits, sprints were on the to-do list.

Cardio – HIIT / Sprints (10 circuits):

  • 30 seconds walk (3 mph)
  • 30 seconds jog (5 mph)
  • 30 seconds sprint (9mph)



After my sprints, I checked my Polar and saw I had burned 178 calories from just the cardio.


With a 5 minute warm up and the sprints, it lasted about 20 minutes and I logged 1.72 miles.

Then it was time to hit the IRON!


In between my weight training and abs, I randomly decided to check what my body fat percentage was.  I used a hand held body fat monitor, which we all know are not the most accurate.  According to the hand held monitor, I am currently at 17.8% body fat.  I’m totally happy with that number (if it’s even accurate)!!  When I’m at this range, I have energy and FEEL great.  It works for me!

After lifting, I did 2 sets of some of Ashley’s recommended ab work.

  • Jack-Knife sit-ups (to failure) – 2 sets
  • 90-Degree Crunch (to failure) – 2 sets
  • Weighted Bicycle Crunches (to failure) – 12 lb medicine ball – 2 sets
  • Exercise Ball Crunches (to failure) – 2 sets

After Day 4 I was SPENT! What a workout!! Thanks for kicking my ass again, Clutch Cut!


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Workout Stats:

  • Workout Time: 1:38
  • Calories Burned: 829
  • Average Heart Rate: 144
  • Maximum Heart Rate: 176


If you’re doing the Clutch Cut program, leave a comment below and let me know how it’s going for you!!



3 thoughts on “Clutch Cut Day 4”

  1. I agree, the second time doing the lift felt more comfortable. I found the cardio wasn’t enough for me because I’m training for a half marathon, so I completed the program and added an additional 30 minutes. I was more than ready for the rest day. I lifted today and will do the cardio tomorrow. I’m sure I’ll be missing that rest day after tomorrow! I’m glad you shared this program!!

  2. Hi, Just wondering whether you carried on with this program for the full 21 days or whether you stopped after day 4? Did you get good results from it?


    • I actually got very bored by it and never completed it. I didn’t like how it was the same workout every day. I don’t do well with programs like that because I like change!


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