Squats, Lunges, Deadlifts & Presses Oh My!

In yesterday’s post, I said I was scared for my leg workout that I was about to do. Well…I had good reason to be scared because it was F’n HARD!!!

The weight training session lasted an hour and 10 minutes and was filled with only 4 different types of exercises: squats, lunges, deadlifts and leg press.

Those are the 4 main leg exercises you need to hit in order to have an intense leg workout, but usually there are some other things sprinkled in the mix. I thought it would be fun to count how many reps of each I did yesterday and HOLY CRAP! I ended up doing…

235 Squats
340 Lunges
60 Deadlifts
120 Leg Presses

The workout had a few variations of different squats and lunges, but overall those numbers are CRAZY!

At the end of this insane workout, I even had to do 10 min on the stairmill. Seriously..my legs were so shakey when I left the gym. I hated it and loved it at the same time!!

I was completely dripping of sweat even BEFORE the stairmill.   That’s okay though, because…


That’s what I like to tell myself.  At least it makes me feel better 😉

Today I’m training Arms and Abs. I may try to do some cardio later too..if my sore legs allow me to!

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