Spring Flowers Have Arrived!

I am totally itching for summer to get here lately.  Even though this has been the most amazing winter of my life (weather wise), I just can’t wait for spring and summer! Spring is my favorite time of the year.  I feel like everyone’s moods change for the better as the weather gets warmer. 

I walked up to my house yesterday and saw our first flowers blooming!! Woohoo!!! Bring on the spring flowers baby!

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So exciting and pretty 🙂  That is one of the best things about being a homeowner.  I love seeing flowers pop up throughout my yard.  It’s like a little surprise every day.  Thank you to the previous owners of the house because they planted a ton of surprises for us every year 🙂  We just have to maintain it..which is actually VERY hard.

I’ve been in training for the past couple days so I haven’t been able to eat that great.  Yesterday I had oats for breakfast, rice cakes for morning snack, turkey sub for lunch, almonds for afternoon snack and another turkey sub for dinner.  Not terrible but could be better.

I hit the gym last night and trained back, biceps and abs. 

From what I can remember, here’s what I did…

  • Overhand pull-ups on smith machine (3 sets of 10)
  • Back Superset:
  •        Bent Over Rows (3 sets of 10) @ 30 lbs
  •        Low Rows (3 sets of 12) @ 35-40lbs
  • Barbell Curls (3 sets of 12) @ 30lbs
  • Cable Curls (3 sets of 12)
  • Roman chair leg lifts (3 sets of 15)
  • Crunches on Bosu Ball (3 sets of 20)

I then did 20 min of sprints on the treadmill.  I did 9mph sprints.  I had never done a whole 20 minutes at 9mph (usually I do 8mph or change it up while I’m running).  I liked it..but it was pretty tough.

I ended up running about 1.32 miles in 20 minutes and burning 215 calories.

Avg Heart Rate: 164    Maximum Heart Rate: 190

 Gotta love HIIT training!



hah..sorry.  I know that pic was random but I liked it.  I recently saw Lou Ferrigno (The Hulk) at the Arnold Classic.  I wonder if he actually likes HIIT?  I doubt it for some reason.

Happy Friday Eve!!

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