I may be a hypochondriac…

On Monday afternoon before lunch, I got this serious nauseous feeling.  Instantly I got scared thinking I was preggers but that’s just the Hypochondriac in me. 

I realized that wasn’t possible and tried to fight the nausea.  I ate a turkey sandwich for lunch thinking maybe I was just really hungry..nope it made it worse.  I ended up heading home and fighting the urge to vomit all night.  Sorry TMI.  I took my temp and it was at 99.2.  Not bad but not good either.  I was terrified I was coming down with the flu.  I was going to get my flu shot at work about 3 weeks ago but decided against it.  I started to kick myself instantly…

So I took it easy on Monday and slept..and whined a lot to Ryan…and whined more to Max (yes he’s a dog).  Poor Ryan and Max.  I’m not good at being sick.

I couldn’t eat a damn thing on Monday night.  The sound of food made me wanna yack.  So I ended up not eating dinner.  I woke up on Tuesday and had to call out of work.  I wasn’t able to eat anything until Tuesday afternoon.  It was about 24 hours until I could finally eat something.  NOT FUN!!!!! I like my food!

Tuesday afternoon came around and I started to feel better.  I kept getting pissed at myself for being sick because I was missing my first JE LiveFit workout of the whole program.  After I started to feel better I thought I’d head to the gym and give it a shot.  One word describes my trip to the gym for day #37.   That word is PUKEY McPukerson.  Everything sounds more fun if you add a Mc ryhme at the end 🙂

Every rep on every exercise made me want to run to the bathroom to puke more and more ESPECIALLY when I was doing abs.  I didn’t have a temperature going to the gym, so I figured I was okay. I don’t know what kinda bug I caught but it wasn’t a fan of mine and I surely won’t welcome it back into my life.  I barely got through the workout..but I did. 

The cardio portion was weak…I did a moderate intensity cardio session on the ‘mill for 1.81 miles at an incline for 30:09.  That’s a pace of 16’38.  My heart rate was around 140 the whole time.  According to the plan, that’s what I’m supposed to be doing every time, but that’s just entirely too slow for me.  BUT on pukey days like this..it was all I could manage.

Day 37…Done! Thannnnnk Gooooodness that is over!

Have you ever worked out when you’re under the weather?  Or are you smart and stay in bed?



2 thoughts on “I may be a hypochondriac…”

  1. I had to show the video to my husband last night because I was dying laughing. How much of a freak would you think someone was if you saw them doing that at the gym? I do the Trainer at home and for this move I simply grab on to the back of a chair, bend like the man in the video and the lower my hips so I’m kind of doing the calf raises in a seated position. If you are at the gym, seated calf raises are also a good sub.

    Enjoying reading about you doing the same program I am!


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