Surgery Care Packages

I feel much better today.  I got home from work and fell asleep watching some of my trashy reality shows.  Did anyone see Celebrity Fit Club this season?  K-fed and Shar Jackson were on the season and it was a bit entertaining.  I feel bad for the both of them.  The show was decent, and I’m glad that they required the cast to go home during the week days instead of keeping them at the camp all week.  It’s beneficial because they can get the experience of dealing with the real world and how it interferes with their dieting.  To me, The Biggest Loser has an advantage for the season’s time being, but when those poor contestants get sent home into the real world with no assistance, I think they are more likely to re-bound because they aren’t used to it and the distractions that arise.

No gym’n for me on Tuesday, just sleep’n.  After I woke up I made a scrumptious little skillit meal that consisted of chicken, potatoes, broccoli, cheese and bacon bits.

 (image not showing)

Our poor friend is going into surgery this morning on his knee from what happened this past weekend.  I’m thinking about taking him some sort of care package tonight.

Anyone have any ideas of what to put in a care package for someone who just got out of knee surgery? 

I’m thinking some magazines and candy.  Any other ideas would be appreciated!


9 thoughts on “Surgery Care Packages”

  1. Hmm magazines and candy are ALWAYS good! Maybe a book, like a biography on one of his fav athletes. My Mom is obsessed with Sudoku puzzles (those crossword/number things) I don’t understand them but it sure keeps her busy for HOURS haha Annnnnd a Season of a good show on DVD?!

    I’ve never watched the Celebrity Fit Club or the Biggest Loser. I might have to start 😉 Glad you’re feeling better!!

    PS BUY a Krinkle Cutter they are awesome, I feel like the little boy in the Mccain commercial everytime I eat my fries now

    • Good idea with some kind of puzzle book. Where do you buy a krinkle cutter? I LOVE french fries so I know I’d love the krinkle cutter too.

  2. I think Brittnay’s ideas for a care package are pretty good. I don’t watch Celebrity Fit Club, but I agree the BL contestants do have a hard time adjusting when the finally go home.

  3. Care packages are wonderful! You can make a dish that will last more than one meal… maybe chicken enchiladas, a green salad. Anything easy to heat up and serve. Don’t forget to take a desert for them too. Magazine and a good book are good too. It all really depends on how long he/she is going to be down. 🙂 I had a friend bring me a box of yummy pastries the other day. Sweets are always wonderful.

  4. We’ve given/recieved a bunch of care packages in my family. One of my favorite go-to ideas is a nice meal, like kat suggested, espeically something easy to freeze and heat up like a lasagna or casserole. And of course dessert! Nothing helps you feel better like dessert.

  5. Seeing as your friend is a boy – he probably wouldn’t be interested in flowers 🙂
    I feel like candy, a dessert, magazines, those are all good ideas…movies might help pass time…poor fella! Maybe a 6 pack? 🙂


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