EA Sports Active Wii


After work yesterday I thought I would finally bust out my Wii workouts that I got for Christmas. I have several fitness games for the Wii but I wanted to give EA Sports Active a shot.

I opened the game’s box and the first thing I noticed was the resistance band is pretty wimpy. I felt like it could use a better one, but I was going to give it a shot. I first entered my personal information like height and weight and chose which program I wanted to do. I decided on one of the “20 minute (hard)” workouts. It led me through a workout where I did squats, lunges, cardio and shoulder press to name a few. To be honest, I the lunges and squats gave me a great work out! It comes with a leg band where you put your wii nunchuck in it that measures your squats. I had a hard time getting the game to read my nunchuck during my squats, but found that if I just turn it the opposite way, it worked like a charm. My legs are sore today and I can feel that my arms were worked as well.

The cardio portion of the game was just weird to me. I’m used to running on the treadmill, so running in place was weird. I enjoyed the boxing workout in the game. It was fun and seemed to work my arms, especially when you’re supposed to punch the bag 200 times as fast as you can. That was a tough one! By the end of my 20ish minute workout it said I had burned 115 calories. After that I decided to make a custom workout with just boxing. A lot of it was repetitive because I wasn’t sure what I was picking. After the boxing workout I burned another 60ish calories. Overall I burned 170 calories in about 45 minutes of playing Wii.

Wii is a good change from regular exercising, and did get my heart rate up (I actually felt a drip of sweat run down my face at one point!), but I still felt guilty for not doing true cardio. I ended up getting my butt on the treadmill a little later. I ran for about 30 minutes while I watched the second half of an episode of the biggest loser. Burned another 306 calories. In total, I burned 476 calories last night!

Daily log for Thursday:
My body is pretty worn out from working out 3 days in a row so I took the night off from exercising. Feels good to relax 🙂

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